Storesonline Scam alright, spread the word…

The of me writing this article is to spread the word let everyone know that Storesonline is truly a scam is definitely a scam who rides on storesonline website owners, just click on the websites they promote and the vast majority of them will be storesonline owners… I can tell you I have been struggling for years with their website and it has taken me a lot of time and money to make my website a success, the URL is check it out, but this really is not a promotion of my website but it is to spread the word of storesonline being a scam, they truly are…

Just give me your url to your website I can help you, or email me and contact me that way.

Storesonline is totally a scam…

It’s all about how Storesonline has scammed many people for many years.

After reading this, if you are also a victim please link this blog on yours or pass the word and feel free to leave your story on it as well….

I have been a Storesonline owner for at least 3 years and really since then I regret every moment and dollar I have spent on them, there are too many other ways to build websites, there are even companies that will do it for free. Storesonline has been in business for many years and I would imagine under many aliases, but they definitely are not legitimate, they make outrageous promises, which they never keep they are way over priced and they make claims that are not real, please if you stumble upon this article take note and stay away from Storesonline. I have been with them for over 3 yrs and have a pretty decent website only because I learned on my own about html, meta, css style, xml, seo optimizing and many other things, if I had not learned all this I would have wasted thousands of dollars. I wrote an SEO E-book explaining my techniques and am offering it for $10 and also a break down of your own individual website. All on my site, but this is not the main reason for this article the main reason is to warn others about Storesonline, there is no question about it stay away from them…

Storesonline along other affiliated sites are total scams, they have very little customer support, their websites and templates are extremely difficult to optimize and they offer little or next to nothing as far as help for folks who don’t know much about computers. To be successful with one of their websites you must be a web designer or at least have studied html, I can help you with your website, but your best bet is to stay away from them, I also teach about keyword optimization, link popularity, blogs, social media and much much more…

If you have any questions or would like to post your testimony about Storesonline please do so…

My website is you can check it out and find out that it is possible to create a nicely optimized and good looking website without paying other companies thousands of dollars just to optimize your website. Remember what Storesonline told is a lie it will not happen overnight nor without a lot of work and effort on your part.

I am willing to help anyone at any time so feel free to go ahead and ask

Hopefully this helps and Thanks for taking the time to read this article.


Published in: on October 23, 2009 at 9:38 pm  Comments (2)  
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Gourmet Coffee nothing but the best…

We offer nothing but the best of Gourmet fresh roasted coffee, Here at Good Scents Gourmet Coffee we only roast to order and only roast what you order for us and you can count on the coffee to be only the finest of Arabica beans and not only that we are now offering free shipping on any order of 5 lbs or more of this months favorite coffee. So come and check us out. We are professional fast and best of all we love coffee as much as you do so if you don’t like the coffee then let us know how we can improve and we’ll try our best to provide you with that great cup of coffee…and remember the proof is in the cup!!!

Published in: on July 26, 2009 at 9:51 pm  Leave a Comment  
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Storesonline Scam….

I thought I would repost this article again…

I basically wrote this article to warn folks of Storesonline being a scam, storesonline is a scam they are a web hosting company that charges hundereds of dollars and makes promises that they definitely do not this scam preys upon people who have no idea about computers and then tells them things that are untrue and outrageous.
Over the past few years I have talked to so many folks who have been scammed by them and not only that many folks have spent thousands on them. So I would definitely not Listen to anyone that promotes storesonline it is a scam….

The best thing to do is avoid them and if you have already been scammed by them please let me know and leave where you are from and what you have done and maybe possible ways to get the money back, or if you have reported to BBB which I know many have done thanks, I’m sure that everyone will appreciate it…

But If you are a Storesonline website owner like myself and have gotten nowhere with it and spent a lot of money trying and you have invested too much money to quit now, the real answer to your problem is that you haven’t taken the time to optimize your website. Believe it or not it can be done even with a Storesonline website. I have been scammed by Storesonline too, but I didn’t do nothing about it I researched and experimented with many things and have had help from many people. I don’t have a computer background and Storesonline helped me very little, but one thing I did have, was the ability to do research so I researched Storesonline and other companies, I researched SEO scams and many other things. In doing so I realized that for my website to actually be effective I had to do it myself, so I did and now my website seems to be better.

Another scam that I picked up on is they charge hundereds of dollars for a spot on their to write articles, but the only thing about it is that all of your articles are no follow tagged meaning that they are not indexed by search engines and therfore are useless, considering that the site is only page rank 2 meaning it is not visited very often except by those that are writing on it…
Stay away from them..

I get anywhere from 100-150 visitors per day now not a lot yet, but its only been a short time, I wrote an E-book that I am selling for $10 to storesonline owners. It’s all about how to increase your Storesonline website’s rankings on search engines. So if you are a storesonline owner and are frustrated just as I was check this book out…

I will also answer any questions about your website check it out and also I can do a complete diagnosis of your site and break it down for you and walk you through it for $25…

I also can offer some tricks and trades for your website that I have learned over time just let me know I do this for free, really I just want to help others, just like others have helped me. I will help you as much as I can

contact me at:
or check out my SEO E-Book

Published in: on July 10, 2009 at 8:28 pm  Comments (26)  
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Search Engine Optimization tricks of the trades….

Want some neat tricks to optimizing your website on site and off site, well you have come to the right place… I probably could explain search engine optimization in detail the things to do and not to do, but I would more or less just give you some tricks of the trade, first thing is on site.

On Site Optimization…

The idea behind it is to get to the top of Google this is not going to happen over night, but there are things you can do and become indexed within 24 hrs, while onsite optimization will not do this it will give you better rankings when indexed, one trick is that Search engines index top left to bottom right in rows, so the first thing you want to optimize is the title and tabs on your website, towards your specific keyword, and if your tabs on the right you can easily over come this by creating a blank spot over it on the right this will trick the search engines into skipping the first tab and index the body right away…

let me explain

a normal site is as follow

link navigation

but you can create the template to be

blank space
link navigation

its that easy this little trick has a tremendous impact on how search engines will rank your site.

another trick and common mistake is not having title tags, you must have h1 and h2 tags on your site, this is very important as it will categorize your website, try to keep these as short as possible and relevant to your keywords…

Another problem many have is that they rely on meta tags but these have a lot less effect on indexing then people think or seo companies portray…

Off Site Optimization

As on site optimization is great and it will move you in the ranks, the most important factor is links, especially backlinks, these are links pointing back to your site…

this is a long process but it doesn’t take much this is a very easy way for your website to be indexed with 24 hrs, a page rank 7 site linking back to your site will get you indexed in 24 hrs.

one thing not to do is link to other sites if they do not link to you delete all links that are not linked to you this will move you up in the ranks as well…

the best way to do it is request links related to you by exchanging either your link or another service or product…

if you have not yet download mozzilla browser and download their page rank, back link and no follow tabs these immensly useful tools to your success in the process of seo.

No follow tab allows you to see those sites not to link request to, because it allows you to see if they use no follow tags meaning your link will not be indexed, pink is no follow or indexed and blue means your site will be indexed.

page rank allows you to see other websites page ranks instantly
and there are many other useful tabs through mozilla so i highly reccommend them….

I hope this helps and there will be much much more…..

I also am selling an SEO E-book explaining all of this in detail so if you are interested it is $10 to cover the cost of writing this information and keeping it up to date..

Feel free to ask me any questions
and let me know so I can help you out…..


Boca Java Gourmet Coffee….

I am a definitely a gourmet coffee fan and love great coffee and saw that a lot of people are hooked on Boca Java and was just wondering what the craze is all about.

I own a coffee website selling gourmet coffee called Good Scents Gourmet Coffee and am currently trying to improve upon it, we roast fresh to order and offer free shipping on 5 lbs or more of this months favorite coffee, but any suggestions would be greatly appreciated, we also are endeavoring to provide as much variety as possible. One of the main things I endeavor to do is provide those folks who also enjoy a great cup of gourmet coffee the very best possible coffee that I can. So if you have any suggestions comments about my site or would like to try it, let me know or come visit my website at…

Published in: on June 29, 2009 at 5:43 pm  Comments (2)  
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How to become a professional blogger overnight….

If you are tired of your blog not getting any responses well here is a link on how to become a blogger overnight, this is a great E-book for free…

its not very well written but the tips that receive can be essential to your success in all of your blogging endeavors!

If you have any other suggestions or great sites let me know and post them on this blog…

please leave a link to your website or blog information and what you think about this E-book, so maybe we can help you with it or you can make some suggestions for my blog or website, which is

Published in: on June 23, 2009 at 7:30 pm  Leave a Comment  
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How to get on top of Google through video ads for free…

Getting to the top through Google

It’s not really a new concept but it’s a great way to receive a significant amount of traffic to your website without paying for it… You simply create an ad words account through google and go to create a TV ad and then use the great tools that they provide you to create a professional video ad, then what you do is download this ad to your computer. This will be the video that you are going to use to get to Google with. Or if you want to create your own video that is fine too.

Submitting your video

Now for the trick you Google up the words “free video submitter” and start submitting these free softwares allow you to submit to multiple sites such as youtube, vodpod, and others, this is important because search engines and the main source youtube give high ranks to videos that are on multiple sites.
Why does this work better then just search engine optimization?

The reason why videos are so easy to get ranks is that when submitting these videos you can create meta tags that get indexed by search engines by web 2.0 site which are generally ranked very high.

The next step is to manually submit your video to as many social media sites as possible such as facebook, my space, squidoo, flickr, twitter and so on and so forth, all accounts are free to setup and upload videos too….

My SEO E-Book

So that’s it, it may take a while but its worth it..

If you want to know more about this and other tricks to getting to the top of websites then check out my SEO E-book, which I am selling for $10 to cover the costs of writing developing it, or visit my website at…

Coffee shops gone wild…

In the past 2 years Washington State has experienced an significant increase in sex themed coffee shops and I am a online coffee seller from Washington State and my website is or Good Scents Gourmet Coffee and I love great tasting coffee and hate to think that it has come to this. Coffee shops are getting so desperate that they have resulted in marketing coffee with sex..

Here is a list of coffee shops or baristas that have gone crazy!
These are real places in Washington state.

Bikini Bottoms

Baristas Gone wild!

Cowboy Girls Coffee

Bikini Barista

Hot Chica Latte…

No Kidding their names speak for themselves..

Most of these drive thru coffee shops have either half naked women in bikinis and one of them even has apron only Wednesday, in which they only where aprons…
It’s pretty crazy; I always thought it was about the coffee and the fact that people love coffee like me.

If your sick of this type of marketing then let me know…
or if you think that it’s crazy that coffee has been marketed in such a way let me know as well.
I would like to know if this is just in Washington State or if all of the coffee shops are doing it.

Please leave me your state and the name of the coffee shop thanks.

If you want to visit my website where they don’t have naked women, but have really great tasting coffee come check us out and now if you order 5 lbs or more of this months favorite coffee the shipping is on me…

I found this article about bikini baristas this is interesting…there all insane!!

May 20th, 2008
Bikini Baristas in Western Washington, Soccer Moms unite to dash spirits
by: Sarah

Bikini Baristas… The first thing I thought when I saw this video is: “Oh, think of all the business they will be getting from 14-year-old boys in the near future.”

Some dumb soccer mom is trying to spoil all the fun for these ladies. Sex sells, and there is nothing you can do to stop it. Oh wait, soccer moms have nothing better to do than ruin everyone else’s fun since they aren’t having any since the birth of little Timmy.

Honestly, I see that entire list of signatures being from soccer moms, grandmothers and extremely religious folks. Fun-suckers.

Tell me what you think…

The truth about search engine optimization…Blogs are not the same as websites!

First off I am not an SEO Company, I am web designer that is endeavoring to make it happen on website, which is Good Scents Gourmet Coffee you can click on this link or just type in Over the past year or so I have been studying and researching Search engine optimization. Recently I have working on this website to bring it to the place that it is at right now, it is still in the works and I am constantly working as you already SEO does not happen instantly, this is a website that sells gourmet coffee, coffee, organic etc…This particular keyword or theme is very well developed as far as SEO is concerned. Many websites have paid many So-called SEO companies lots of money, while it may pay off in the end there is a way to do it on your own, but like everything else it takes time and a lot of hard work. You don’t have to be an expert on the computer or HTML or JAVA script expert you will come to know the basics of it all. Search engine optimization is this in a nutshell, targeting your words or content to a specific theme on your site, and then getting others to link to your website. It’s as simple as that. This may seem simple and it is with a little bit of time and information.

Blogging VS Websites

Let me get something straight while blogs are a great tool to get exposure and an easy way to post an article on any subject you would like to, they are not websites, seo is different then blogging. Blogging can become a great tool but they are not everything, you must learn that optimizing a blog is totally different then optimizing a website. While you can post links and other information pointing to your website alot of times it is not going to produce as much as if you were to optimize your website itself.


If you have a Storesonline website or have tried these SEO Companies, then  know what its like to see all these scams claiming to teach you how to make millions over night, you know that this is just not true and that  it will take time, but it doesn’t have to cost you an arm and a leg to do it. I recently uncovered a scam by the name of this is an online shopping center that I discovered while it is good to post ads on it does nothing for search engine optimization and they charge a lot of money and portray it as a company that will help you in your rankings, which is a lie. My first mistake was with a company called Stores-online which is by far one of the largest scams I have seen out there, they target largely on people who have no idea what they are doing and make them outrageous promises, which they don’t keep and then charge them thousands or dollars to do it…

I am writing this article to show everyone that it is possible to get to the top without having to pay outrageous amounts of money, so if you have been scammed let me know, what company, what they did and how much they charged you. I also am writing to offer my SEO E-Book for $10 to anyone who wants to know the basics of Search engine optimization, this book contains vital information on scams, things that work and things that do not as well as many links and tools to help you on your way to success.

Also I am now providing for those of you who have blogs a chance to post my E-book on your website or blog for free. Post my book spread the word and the SEO E-book is for free…

If you are interested in purchasing this e-book or have any questions contact me at

Please comment on this blog and add to it and help to inform others on tips and tricks of the trade thank you…