Storesonline Scam….

I thought I would repost this article again…

I basically wrote this article to warn folks of Storesonline being a scam, storesonline is a scam they are a web hosting company that charges hundereds of dollars and makes promises that they definitely do not this scam preys upon people who have no idea about computers and then tells them things that are untrue and outrageous.
Over the past few years I have talked to so many folks who have been scammed by them and not only that many folks have spent thousands on them. So I would definitely not Listen to anyone that promotes storesonline it is a scam….

The best thing to do is avoid them and if you have already been scammed by them please let me know and leave where you are from and what you have done and maybe possible ways to get the money back, or if you have reported to BBB which I know many have done thanks, I’m sure that everyone will appreciate it…

But If you are a Storesonline website owner like myself and have gotten nowhere with it and spent a lot of money trying and you have invested too much money to quit now, the real answer to your problem is that you haven’t taken the time to optimize your website. Believe it or not it can be done even with a Storesonline website. I have been scammed by Storesonline too, but I didn’t do nothing about it I researched and experimented with many things and have had help from many people. I don’t have a computer background and Storesonline helped me very little, but one thing I did have, was the ability to do research so I researched Storesonline and other companies, I researched SEO scams and many other things. In doing so I realized that for my website to actually be effective I had to do it myself, so I did and now my website seems to be better.

Another scam that I picked up on is they charge hundereds of dollars for a spot on their to write articles, but the only thing about it is that all of your articles are no follow tagged meaning that they are not indexed by search engines and therfore are useless, considering that the site is only page rank 2 meaning it is not visited very often except by those that are writing on it…
Stay away from them..

I get anywhere from 100-150 visitors per day now not a lot yet, but its only been a short time, I wrote an E-book that I am selling for $10 to storesonline owners. It’s all about how to increase your Storesonline website’s rankings on search engines. So if you are a storesonline owner and are frustrated just as I was check this book out…

I will also answer any questions about your website check it out and also I can do a complete diagnosis of your site and break it down for you and walk you through it for $25…

I also can offer some tricks and trades for your website that I have learned over time just let me know I do this for free, really I just want to help others, just like others have helped me. I will help you as much as I can

contact me at:
or check out my SEO E-Book

Published in: on July 10, 2009 at 8:28 pm  Comments (26)  
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Avoid Storesonline and other website company scams….

Storesonline is definitely a scam they make you outrageous promises all of which are not fulfilled, you may have noticed that the services they offer are incredibly lame, and not only that the websites that they offer are incredibly difficult to Optimize, the SEO or search engine optimization of these websites are a nightmare, if anyone else things like I do let me know….

I have written a book on all the do’s and don’ts for SEO Scams and other scams for Storesonline owners, this is not necessarily a complete and thorough SEO book, but it will increase your ranks even with a Storesonline website..

To check out this book its only $10 no shipping, no extra costs, no monthly payments and it’s written by a fellow storesonline owner

Just click on My SEO E-BOOK and you can purchase book to help you possibly make some money from this terrible ordeal

you can contact me at anytime at…

and check out my website that I just started to optimize at…

Published in: on June 4, 2009 at 7:47 pm  Comments (2)  
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