Tips on How to Identify, Store, Freeze and Take Care of Your Gourmet Coffee

There is a common misconception that if you buy your coffee whole bean that it will be Gourmet, but the fact is, whole bean is not necessarily better if it is not fresh. While it does last quite a bit longer it does not last forever. Whether you order ground coffee fresh or even whole bean fresh roasted you will be absolutely amazed at the difference of taste and smell of it. It’s definitely a different experience then your local Starbucks or Barista and if you never have tried coffee fresh roasted, then you definitely are missing out.

Fresh VS Store bought

Lately there has been many companies marketing this idea of Gourmet. I even saw that Folgers has marketed “Gourmet” now. This is fine, but if you want a real true experience in coffee you must have fresh roasted coffee there is nothing like it and if you are looking for that special cup of Joe, well its not in the stores, it’s definitely online, and don’t be fooled if they vacuum seal it or don’t roast it fresh then they are not worth the money.

So what is better Ground or whole bean? Well to me it really doesn’t matter as long as it is fresh, a lot of times it’s inconvenient to grind your own beans and it does taste that much better. So it’s really a matter of convenience, if you order fresh roasted coffee that is ground, then you don’t have to grind it yourself, or if you order fresh roasted whole bean you can store it for a little longer, but again it’s really a matter of ordering it fresh.

My advice is to order less at a time maybe 5 lbs or so and that way you will know that you will be getting the best cup possible.

How to freeze coffee properly

The first thing is you must have fresh coffee, whether it is ground or whole bean coffee as long as it is no more than a couple of days since it has been roasted, the sooner the better though.

Before we begin the idea is to freeze the coffee not keep it cool. It’s just like soda you can freeze it, but when kept in a refrigerator it becomes flat, this is the same with coffee you can freeze it, but for some reason it goes stale quicker in the fridge…

The preparation

First take you coffee out of the bag and place it in preferably in a mason jar type container or you can just keep it in the same bag, but it is better to be in mason jar, then make sure that your freezer is cold enough freezers with defrosters sometimes are not cold enough. You can set your coffee in a deep freezer where it will freeze as quickly as possible.

The benefits

Coffee is frozen quickly and in the right conditions can be fresh for even up to 2 months, people will not even notice the difference the coffee will taste just like it has just been roasted…

When pulling the container out, take as much as you need and then place the rest back into the freezer…

Storing without freezing…

You can store coffee properly and it will keep its peak freshness up to 2 weeks. It’s easy take your coffee place it in a mason jar that is lined with a paper towel and place in a cool dark place, not the refrigerator.

Never vacuum seal

One thing to try to avoid is vacuum sealing and plastic ziplock bags
and you should be OK..

Why are some flavored Coffee better than others?

Most flavored coffee beans have flavoring oils sprayed and mixed with the beans after roasting. These coffee flavor oils are many times a combination of natural and synthetic flavor chemicals.The difference between good flavored coffee is not about the process because almost every company uses this same process, the difference is in the coffee beans and packaging process. Most companies use Arabica Coffee for their coffee flavorings, the problem with this is that Arabica Coffee while being great for different roasts and blends, the potency and strength of the coffee is not suitable for flavoring.

That is why most flavored coffee smells so good, but tastes horrible, we only use 100% Columbian Coffee Beans ensuring that the coffee keeps that flavor and coffee taste in the bean ensuring that your flavored tastes just like it smells. Another reason why most store bought flavored coffee lacks is the packaging process. Most flavored coffee is vacuum sealed, while this may keep the coffee fresh it strips it of it’s flavor that is why we only roast our flavored coffee to order so that we don’t have to vacuum seal your coffee. It’s always fresh and full of flavor.

Not only that if a company does not advertise that it’s flavored coffee is sugar free never buy it, because many companies use sugar to supplement their flavor, which is a dirty trick in my opinion.

If you want to know more about the process of flavoring I can explain it completely let me know, but I think you get the picture.

So I hope this helps and allows you to find that great cup of coffee…

James is the owner an independent distributor of Gourmet coffee.

You can visit at…

Gourmet Coffee nothing but the best…

We offer nothing but the best of Gourmet fresh roasted coffee, Here at Good Scents Gourmet Coffee we only roast to order and only roast what you order for us and you can count on the coffee to be only the finest of Arabica beans and not only that we are now offering free shipping on any order of 5 lbs or more of this months favorite coffee. So come and check us out. We are professional fast and best of all we love coffee as much as you do so if you don’t like the coffee then let us know how we can improve and we’ll try our best to provide you with that great cup of coffee…and remember the proof is in the cup!!!

Published in: on July 26, 2009 at 9:51 pm  Leave a Comment  
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How to freeze coffee properly…

The first thing is you must have fresh coffee, whether it is ground or whole bean coffee as long as it is no more than a couple of days since roasted, the sooner the better though.

Before we begin the idea is to freeze the coffee not keep it cool. It’s just like soda you can freeze it, but when kept in a refrigerator it becomes flat, this is the same with coffee you can freeze it, but for some reason it goes stale quickly in the fridge…

The preparation

First take you coffee out of the bag and place it in preferably in a mason jar type container or you can just keep it in the same bag, but it is better to be in mason jar, then make sure that your freezer is cold enough, freezers with defrosters are not cold enough set your coffee in a deep freezer where it will freeze quicker

The benefits
Coffee is frozen quickly and in the right conditions will be fresh for even up to 2 months, people will not even notice the difference the coffee will taste just like it has just been roasted…

When pulling the container out, take as much as you need and then place the rest back into the freezer…

Storing without freezing…

You can store coffee properly and it will keep its peak freshness up to 2 weeks. It’s easy take you coffee place it in a mason jar that is lined with a paper towel and place in a cool dark place, not the refrigerator.

Never vacuum seal
One thing to try to avoid is vacuum sealing and plastic ziplock bags
and you should be ok..

You can order 5 lbs of this months favorite freshly roasted coffee from me at and receive free shipping on us…

And remember the proof is in the cup!

Published in: on July 14, 2009 at 8:12 pm  Comments (2)  
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Storesonline Scam….

I thought I would repost this article again…

I basically wrote this article to warn folks of Storesonline being a scam, storesonline is a scam they are a web hosting company that charges hundereds of dollars and makes promises that they definitely do not this scam preys upon people who have no idea about computers and then tells them things that are untrue and outrageous.
Over the past few years I have talked to so many folks who have been scammed by them and not only that many folks have spent thousands on them. So I would definitely not Listen to anyone that promotes storesonline it is a scam….

The best thing to do is avoid them and if you have already been scammed by them please let me know and leave where you are from and what you have done and maybe possible ways to get the money back, or if you have reported to BBB which I know many have done thanks, I’m sure that everyone will appreciate it…

But If you are a Storesonline website owner like myself and have gotten nowhere with it and spent a lot of money trying and you have invested too much money to quit now, the real answer to your problem is that you haven’t taken the time to optimize your website. Believe it or not it can be done even with a Storesonline website. I have been scammed by Storesonline too, but I didn’t do nothing about it I researched and experimented with many things and have had help from many people. I don’t have a computer background and Storesonline helped me very little, but one thing I did have, was the ability to do research so I researched Storesonline and other companies, I researched SEO scams and many other things. In doing so I realized that for my website to actually be effective I had to do it myself, so I did and now my website seems to be better.

Another scam that I picked up on is they charge hundereds of dollars for a spot on their to write articles, but the only thing about it is that all of your articles are no follow tagged meaning that they are not indexed by search engines and therfore are useless, considering that the site is only page rank 2 meaning it is not visited very often except by those that are writing on it…
Stay away from them..

I get anywhere from 100-150 visitors per day now not a lot yet, but its only been a short time, I wrote an E-book that I am selling for $10 to storesonline owners. It’s all about how to increase your Storesonline website’s rankings on search engines. So if you are a storesonline owner and are frustrated just as I was check this book out…

I will also answer any questions about your website check it out and also I can do a complete diagnosis of your site and break it down for you and walk you through it for $25…

I also can offer some tricks and trades for your website that I have learned over time just let me know I do this for free, really I just want to help others, just like others have helped me. I will help you as much as I can

contact me at:
or check out my SEO E-Book

Published in: on July 10, 2009 at 8:28 pm  Comments (26)  
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Ground Coffee vs Whole Bean Coffee…

There is a common misconceptions that if you buy your gourmet coffee whole bean that it will be Gourmet, but the fact is that whole bean is not much better if it is not fresh while it does last quite a bit longer, it does not last forever, but if you order ground coffee fresh or even whole bean fresh roasted you will be absolutely amazed at the difference of taste and smell of fresh coffee… It’s definitely a different experience then your local Starbucks and if you never have tried gourmet coffee fresh roasted for you then you definitely are missing out.

Fresh VS Store bought

Lately there has been many companies marketing this idea of gourmet, I even saw that Folgers has marketed Gourmet now, this is fine, but if you want a real true experience in coffee you must have fresh roasted coffee there is nothing like it. So if you are looking for that special cup of coffee, well its not in the stores, it’s definitely online, and don’t be fooled if they vacuum seal it or don’t roast it fresh then they are not worth the money.

So what is better Ground Coffee or whole bean, well to me it really doesn’t matter as long as it is fresh, a lot of times it’s inconvenient to grind your own coffee, but it does taste much better. So it’s really a matter of convenience, if you order fresh roasted coffee that is ground, then you don’t have to grind it yourself, or if you order fresh roasted whole bean you can store it for a little longer, but again it’s really a matter of keeping it fresh.

My advice is to order less at a time maybe 5 lbs or so and that way you will know that you will be getting the best cup possible.

thank you for taking the time to read this blog you can visit my website at…

And always remember the proof is in the cup!

Published in: on July 7, 2009 at 7:23 pm  Comments (3)  
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At Good Scents Gourmet Coffee you really can taste the difference…

Gourmet Coffee that really is gourmet, no gimmicks, no marketing tactics, just gourmet coffee and at Good Scents Gourmet Coffee we always roast to you coffee to order ensuring that it really is fresh no vacuum sealing it or any other techniques to keeping it fresh just good old fashioned coffee that is roasted fresh to order every time.

There are a lot of gourmet coffee companies out on the market but what really make coffee “gourmet” anyways? Is it really flavoring, or the fact that it has a wide variety of origins, or that it is organic yes all this has a part in the gourmet factor, but the truth of the matter is that Gourmet coffee is “gourmet” because it is fresh and unique because the coffee bean itself is what makes the difference. Gourmet Coffee beans are really no different than any other coffee bean except that they are checked, double checked and rechecked for their quality of environment roasting and packaging, that is why at Good Scents Gourmet Coffee we never, never vacuum seal our coffee, you’ll receive fresh roasted coffee every time…

Not only that we only offer 100% Arabica coffee beans, I know this does not mean much to some, but it does to us because we know the difference in quality between Robusta and Arabica and we only offer the best!

And remember the Proof is in the cup

so come and check us out at…

Published in: on July 3, 2009 at 10:16 pm  Comments (2)  
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